Les Stars francaises et revision - Year 10

Bonjour les filles, 

Voici le travail pour cette semaine. 

1/ LECTURE - livre Pixel
 Lisez les biographies sur les stars francaises pg 52/53 du LIVRE PIXEL. Quelle star preferez-vous?  Justifiez votre reponse (30-50 mots) 
write your text on a word document. 


a/ watch this video

b/ Regardez les videos et lire les notes de Year 9 (similar topic so it can be useful to you) http://jenseignelefle.blogspot.com/2020/03/talking-about-duration-and-time-year-9.html

c/ Livre Pixel p. 54 
Sur un document WORD faites les exercices  1,2, 3,4,5

for ex 4 : you need to find the noun that comes from that word for eg  jouer ==> le jeu
      nager ==> la natation
      s'aimer ==> l'amour 

Faire les exercices 1 et 2 et envoyez-moi une photo. 

if you have extra time, it would be fantastic if you could write a biography about your favorite celebrity using what we have learned about the passe compose and the words depuis, pendant etc... (not googled in French please...).   150-200 mots

Bonne semaine a toutes 

Talking about duration and time - Year 9

Bonjour Year 9, 

These are the steps to follow for the lesson this week. This is a difficult topic :( so if you struggle it will be normal... Try your best and send me questions). This topic will be revised in form 4.

1/ LISTENING - Livre Pixel pg. 50

a) Ecoutez les dialogues pg 50 Livre Pixel. Do ex 1. Match each dialogue to a part of the drawing. 

b) Reecoutez les dialogues et repondez aux questions - ex 2 et ex. 3

SEND ME your answers on a word document (ex 1,2,3)

2/ READ - Livre Pixel pg 51 

Read the red box and see how to use in sentences these words    en,  au mois de, a partir de, jusqu'au, depuis, pendant

Here are more examples and translations

en = in when talking about a date
eg. Je suis nee en fevrier. 
      Je suis allee aux Etats- Unis en 2005. 

au mois de = in the month of / in refering to a date as well
eg. Je suis nee au mois de juin

le = use this article for a date / day 
eg Le samedi, je joue au foot. (ie - on / every Saturday)
     Je suis nee le 10 janvier (ie - on the tenth of January..)

a partir de = Starting from (when talking about a date)

eg. Le nouveau cinema va ouvrir a partir du 1er septembre. 

Jusqu'a = until (when talking about a date) 
eg  Je reste a Paris jusqu'a la fin septembre
      J'ai jusqu'au 30 mars pour finir mes devoirs. 

depuis = refers to the duration of an action from time of departure til today. It is still ongoing at the moment we speak. Can be understood as Since in many instances.
Depuis combien de temps = For how long....? 
Depuis quand = Since when
eg Tu etudies le francais depuis combien de temps? Depuis 3 ans. 
Tu joues au basket depuis combien de temps? Depuis l'age de 5 ans. 

We tend to use depuis with the present tense since the action is still ongoing. 

Pendant = refers also to the duration. 
Pendant combien de temps = For how long...? 
eg. Pendant combien de temps tu as fait du foot ? Pendant 2 ans. 

We tend to use pendant with the passe compose

il y a - (literally when we want to say ...ago) This is not a duration. This happened and we say how long ago. This is not an ongoing action. 
Il y a combien de temps ? How long ago
eg. Il y a deux jours, il a fait du foot. (two days AGO)
      Je suis allee a Paris, il y a 2 ans. (2 years AGO)

We use it with the passe compose. 


A few links with more explanation online 

4/ EXERCISES - CAHIER Pixel pg 42/ 43

Work out the following exercises ex. 1,2,3,5

Send me a picture. 

Vocabulary - My house (part 2) Year 8

Bonjour les Year 8 :) 

I hope you managed to study the vocabulary of the house, the prepositions, and the expression il y a (there is/there are) / il n'y a pas (there isn't/ there aren't). 

This is your work for this week

1/ Notes 
a/ Look at the powerpoint attached in the email. 
b/ Read the checklist sent by email with notes on how to write a description of a house. Use a dictionary if there is a word you do not understand. 

2/ Reading Task 
work out the reading comprehensions. You can answer with a single word or with a phrase. The words in bold are to be studied and used if possible in your writing task. 
Send the answer by email on the same word document. 

3/ Writing Task  - 60-80 mots. 
Using the checklist and the models given in the two reading comprehensions, do the following writing task (choose either Vincent or Christine): 

"Ecris un email pour repondre a Vincent ou Christine".  

Type the email on a word  document and send it by email as a word document so i can correct it. Do not forget the format of the email 
a: ______

4/ Extra resources 

Les lieux et les pronoms y et en

Bonsoir les Year 10. 

I hope you are keeping well and safe. 

You have until Sunday 29 March to send me the work in one email. 

You can do the work from the book in one word document and send me a photo of the workbook. 

The pronouns y and en are not too easy but i hope you understand a little bit. watch the videos again to grasp the concept better and send me an email if you have queries. 

Voici la leçon pour cette semaine. 

1/ Livre Pixel pg 58

a) Exercice 1 -  Ecoutez le micro-trottoir (interview in the street).
Repondez aux questions  a,b,c sur word et envoyez-moi les reponses par email. 

b) Lisez la boite sur le conditionnel present : 
J'aimerais = I would like (verbe aimer)
J'adorerais = I would love (verbe adorer)
Je souhaiterais = I would like (verbe souhaiter = to wish)
Je prefererais = I would prefer (verbe preferer)
Je voudrais = I would like (verbe vouloir)

These expressions are always followed by an infinitive. 
==> J'aimerais aller aux Etats-Unis pour les vacances. 

you can use these expressions to answer the questions of the exercise 1. 

2/ Reviser le nom des pays 

Regarder ce powerpoint pour reviser le nom des pays (masculin, feminin, pluriel) 
Powerpoint sur les pays (masculin, feminin, pluriel)
powerpoint sur les pays 2 (vocabulaire pays et nationalites)

3/ Grammaire

Regardez les videos. It is going to explain everything about the pronouns which is quite complex but at this stage you do not need to know all the uses of these pronouns. 

At your level , at least try to remember the following

a) 'y' refers to a place and often means 'there' and it often used in front of the verb. It used with verbs that have the preposition à -  like aller à, partir à... 

b) 'En' refers to your notes. We already worked on it. Quick reminder 1/ We use it to replace a quantity or the partitive.
==>  Tu veux du chocolat? Oui, j'en veux.
2/We use en to refer to a place with verbs that have the preposition de - like venir de, sortir de, revenir de...

Regardez ces powerpoints 

4/ Exercices 

a) Livre Pixel pg 59 ex 3. 
Ecrivez les reponses sur word et envoyez par email. 

b) Cahier Pixel pg 48/49 ex. 1,2,3,4,5,6 
Prenez une photo et envoyez-moi par email . 

I wish you a good week and look forward to hear from you. 

Bonne soiree, 

Ms Stephanie

Le fait divers

Bonjour Year 9,

As i informed you in my email yesterday, this is the lesson for the coming week (23-29 March).

Topicles faits divers (news items such as robbery, accidents, castastrophies etc...)

Aim : understanding a news item in the press

To tackle this topic we need some vocabulary and  the passe compose (we already studied that) because it is usually reported in the past tense. This is not an easy topic (especially being far away from you!!) so take your time to study a few words and practice them.  

1/ Watch the video

You can  first watch this video and try to guess the meaning of the words you see in the video. 

2/ Quizlet - https://quizlet.com/_88bbfv?x=1jqt&i=1xed9z

Look at the flashcards and study the vocabulary. You can watch the video again and see if now you can figure out more words. 

I am adding the handout below for more vocabulary and you can check which words you remember and look up in a dictionary the words you do not know. You do not need to know all these words. 

3/ Livre Pixel 

a) Read the News Items on the book PIXEL pg 48. Also read the green box pg. 49  - "parler d'un fait divers" - and make sure you know/understand all these words.

b) answer the questions ex. 2 pg 49.  Basically you need to read the news items and correct the information in each sentence.
 Email me the answers.

c) ex. 3 pg 49. Continue the sentences using the information from the texts you read. 
Email me the answers. 

d) ex. 5 p. 49. Copy the box on word or on a paper and looking at the pictures pg. 48 and listening to the CD ex 5 p. 49 fill in the answers. 
Email me the answers. (send a word document or a photo of your work). 

4/ Cahier Pixel 

Work out pg 45.
Take a picture and send me by email. 

Email me for any difficulties you have but make sure to try first using a dictionary : https://www.wordreference.com/ 

5/ Further online activities you can try (not easy am afraid but you can try it out for a challenge - if you succeed let me know! ).

Listening exercise

Deadline for all the homework is Sunday 29 March.  Please send all answers in one email with the title - PIXEL - LES FAITS DIVERS. 

These are not easy times, I just want you to try your best with what we have. 

Keep safe,

Ms Stephanie

VOCABULARY - My house - Year 8

Bonjour Year 8 :)

It seems we are not going to meet again for a while so I am going to send you work weekly. I am sure it is not easy but do your best and contact me when you need help.  

Let us start with this new topic : Ma maison. 

We are going to learn how to describe our house. To do that, we will need the vocabulary of the house, a few prepositions, some adjectives and the expression : il y a (there is).


This coming week, please work on the following :  

1 - Watch these videos 

In these videos you will discovery the vocabulary of the house and some useful prepositions to use when describing a house or a room. 

2/ Quizlet 

 Read the flashcards and study the words. You can play the Matching game on your mobile app. 

3/  Worksheets & Notes

You will find 2 worksheets on Office 365. 

Kindly print the worksheets about the house and send me a picture to show me that you have done the work. 

Deadline is Sunday 29 March.

Below find some pictures with some vocabulary about the house and the prepositions to study. You can use these as notes but no need to print them. 

Image result for decrire sa maison FLE
Image result for decrire sa maison FLE
Image result for les types de logements

Image result for les prepositions de lieu

4/ Listening exercise 

 Listen to the description of Alice's house and write down on a paper the rooms she mentions. You can pause and listen to it several time and even slow down the speech on youtube.

5/ Short comprehension

Print the short comprehension from Office 365 and answer the questions about this plan. If there are questions you do not understand, first try with a dictionary but if too challenging then email me. 

Image result for decrire sa maison FLE

 6/ Grammar 

Watch this Video  to learn the expression - il y a (there is / there are ...)


Next week we will continue this topic with a comprehension and a writing task so if you did not watch on all the videos you can still continue next week. 

Please send me by email on office 365 your questions and the 2 worksheets + short comprehension once done. Please send them all in one email with the title HOUSE not to overload my inbox. 

Merci et Bonne journee, 

Ms Stephanie