Vocabulary - My house (part 2) Year 8

Bonjour les Year 8 :) 

I hope you managed to study the vocabulary of the house, the prepositions, and the expression il y a (there is/there are) / il n'y a pas (there isn't/ there aren't). 

This is your work for this week

1/ Notes 
a/ Look at the powerpoint attached in the email. 
b/ Read the checklist sent by email with notes on how to write a description of a house. Use a dictionary if there is a word you do not understand. 

2/ Reading Task 
work out the reading comprehensions. You can answer with a single word or with a phrase. The words in bold are to be studied and used if possible in your writing task. 
Send the answer by email on the same word document. 

3/ Writing Task  - 60-80 mots. 
Using the checklist and the models given in the two reading comprehensions, do the following writing task (choose either Vincent or Christine): 

"Ecris un email pour repondre a Vincent ou Christine".  

Type the email on a word  document and send it by email as a word document so i can correct it. Do not forget the format of the email 
a: ______

4/ Extra resources 

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