Les lieux et les pronoms y et en

Bonsoir les Year 10. 

I hope you are keeping well and safe. 

You have until Sunday 29 March to send me the work in one email. 

You can do the work from the book in one word document and send me a photo of the workbook. 

The pronouns y and en are not too easy but i hope you understand a little bit. watch the videos again to grasp the concept better and send me an email if you have queries. 

Voici la leçon pour cette semaine. 

1/ Livre Pixel pg 58

a) Exercice 1 -  Ecoutez le micro-trottoir (interview in the street).
Repondez aux questions  a,b,c sur word et envoyez-moi les reponses par email. 

b) Lisez la boite sur le conditionnel present : 
J'aimerais = I would like (verbe aimer)
J'adorerais = I would love (verbe adorer)
Je souhaiterais = I would like (verbe souhaiter = to wish)
Je prefererais = I would prefer (verbe preferer)
Je voudrais = I would like (verbe vouloir)

These expressions are always followed by an infinitive. 
==> J'aimerais aller aux Etats-Unis pour les vacances. 

you can use these expressions to answer the questions of the exercise 1. 

2/ Reviser le nom des pays 

Regarder ce powerpoint pour reviser le nom des pays (masculin, feminin, pluriel) 
Powerpoint sur les pays (masculin, feminin, pluriel)
powerpoint sur les pays 2 (vocabulaire pays et nationalites)

3/ Grammaire

Regardez les videos. It is going to explain everything about the pronouns which is quite complex but at this stage you do not need to know all the uses of these pronouns. 

At your level , at least try to remember the following

a) 'y' refers to a place and often means 'there' and it often used in front of the verb. It used with verbs that have the preposition à -  like aller à, partir à... 

b) 'En' refers to your notes. We already worked on it. Quick reminder 1/ We use it to replace a quantity or the partitive.
==>  Tu veux du chocolat? Oui, j'en veux.
2/We use en to refer to a place with verbs that have the preposition de - like venir de, sortir de, revenir de...

Regardez ces powerpoints 

4/ Exercices 

a) Livre Pixel pg 59 ex 3. 
Ecrivez les reponses sur word et envoyez par email. 

b) Cahier Pixel pg 48/49 ex. 1,2,3,4,5,6 
Prenez une photo et envoyez-moi par email . 

I wish you a good week and look forward to hear from you. 

Bonne soiree, 

Ms Stephanie

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