VOCABULARY - My house - Year 8

Bonjour Year 8 :)

It seems we are not going to meet again for a while so I am going to send you work weekly. I am sure it is not easy but do your best and contact me when you need help.  

Let us start with this new topic : Ma maison. 

We are going to learn how to describe our house. To do that, we will need the vocabulary of the house, a few prepositions, some adjectives and the expression : il y a (there is).


This coming week, please work on the following :  

1 - Watch these videos 

In these videos you will discovery the vocabulary of the house and some useful prepositions to use when describing a house or a room. 

2/ Quizlet 

 Read the flashcards and study the words. You can play the Matching game on your mobile app. 

3/  Worksheets & Notes

You will find 2 worksheets on Office 365. 

Kindly print the worksheets about the house and send me a picture to show me that you have done the work. 

Deadline is Sunday 29 March.

Below find some pictures with some vocabulary about the house and the prepositions to study. You can use these as notes but no need to print them. 

Image result for decrire sa maison FLE
Image result for decrire sa maison FLE
Image result for les types de logements

Image result for les prepositions de lieu

4/ Listening exercise 

 Listen to the description of Alice's house and write down on a paper the rooms she mentions. You can pause and listen to it several time and even slow down the speech on youtube.

5/ Short comprehension

Print the short comprehension from Office 365 and answer the questions about this plan. If there are questions you do not understand, first try with a dictionary but if too challenging then email me. 

Image result for decrire sa maison FLE

 6/ Grammar 

Watch this Video  to learn the expression - il y a (there is / there are ...)


Next week we will continue this topic with a comprehension and a writing task so if you did not watch on all the videos you can still continue next week. 

Please send me by email on office 365 your questions and the 2 worksheets + short comprehension once done. Please send them all in one email with the title HOUSE not to overload my inbox. 

Merci et Bonne journee, 

Ms Stephanie

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