La ville et les transports

This week we are starting a new topic : La ville (the city). In this unit we are going to learn how to describe our city/village, and also how to ask and give basic directions

This week we will start with some vocabulary about la ville and transports

1/ La ville

a/ Etudiez le vocabulaire de la ville avec les videos, powerpoints et quizlet. As much as possible, listen to the words and repeat them with the videos. We already studied in the food unit the various food shops (boulangerie, boucherie...) so learn the other places like the postoffice, etc...

Ma ville:

FLE en ESO: En ville : vocabulaire

b/ You can print the notes I sent by email to study them and workout the handout. Send me back the handout to show me you did the work. 

2/  Les transports

a/ Listen and study the vocabulary of the transport. Make sure to repeat the words with the videos. 

Les Moyens De Transport - Lessons - Tes Teach

Les moyens de transports - learn French,francais,transport ...

b/ Work out the handout sent by email and send it back. 

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