Le conditionnel


Voici le travail pour cette semaine. Nous allons apprendre un nouveau temps  - Le conditionnel. (the formation of the conditional is a mix of the future and the imparfait... so make sure to revise the future tense AND the imparfait before doing this new tense). It is unlikely to have a grammar exercise on it for Matsec but you may be asked to find a verb in the conditional in the reading comprehension. So do take time to study so at least you can recognize it and know when to use such a tense.

1/ Livre Pixel pg 60.  

a) Ecouter le dialogue et repondez aux questions de l'exercice 1. (on a Word document)  

b) regarder les videos sur le futur simple et l'imparfait pour faire une revision. 

c) Regardez les powerpoints et les videos sur le conditionnel. 

Le conditionnel présent - NOTREBLOGDEFLE.COM

d) faire les exercices 2 et 3 pg 60 sur un document word

2) Cahier Pixel pg 50, 51 

Faites tous les exercices de la pg 50 et 51 (on word for ex 7 and 8 so can correct your sentences and for the rest you can send me a picture).

3) Vocabulaire

J ai cree un theme sur quizlet sur le cinema. Etudiez le vocabulaire. 

Bonne semaine :) 

Ms Stephanie

Revision finale de l'unite 4


Cette semaine nous allons faire la revision finale de l'unite 4. 

1/ Livre Pixel pg 55 

to send all the hw on a word document please

ex.  6 - match the title and the subtitle

ex 7 - Listen and find the topic for each information.

ex 8 - Listen to it again and match with the main keyword. 

ex 9 - You are Margot. Ecris un email a tes amies pour raconter tes vacances au ski. (you can use the pictures to help you get ideas. You must use the passe compose to recount your actions in the past - Revise the tense from previous videos if you forgot how to form the passe compose. You can also check the powerpoint below. 

Passé composé ⚙️ | A Cup of French

Passé Composé flow chart | Teaching Resources

2/ Cahier Pixel pg 47 

work out the whole page neatly and send me a picture. 

Ma chambre

Bonjour , 

I hope you managed to study the vocabulary and do the online exercises too along with studying on Quizlet. 

This week we will work on comprehensions and writing so it is important that you know your vocabulary beforehand. If not, revise before doing this homework. 

1/ Regardez les videos

a/ VIDEO 1 

You should be able to understand most of this video. You can check with the subtitles that you do. 

b/ VIDEO 2 

Watch well this video and look well at the grammar of the sentences. You should be able to understand most of it. Pause and repeat if needed. Answer the questions on the handout VIDEO 2 CO attached in the email to hand in.

c/ VIDEO 3 

Watch this video and point to the objects. 

2/ Reading comprehension and writing task. 

you can now look at the reading comprehension and work it out. Once it is done read the check list about how to write a description of a room and proceed to write an email to describe your bedroom as instructed in the handout. 

Vocabulary - Furniture

Vocabulaire - Les meubles 

This week I would like that you study the vocabulary of the furniture and the prepositions so that we prepare for the following week where you will have to describe your bedroom or living room for example (To do that you need the vocabulary of the furniture and also some prepositions). 

1/ LES MEUBLES (furniture) 

A) Watch these videos and study the vocabulary. 

B) Revise the vocabulary on Quizlet

C) You can also study/revise from these notes. 

Parties De La Maison Et Mobilier Francais Fle Fiches

D) Work out the two handouts about the furniture I sent by email and send them to me to show me you did the work.  USE a dictionary if there is a word you do not know so you learn new words.   dictionary

You can send me a scan / photo of the handout. If you do not have a printer you can type an email. I will check your work to see how you did and send you a brief feedback. You will need to do your own correction once i send the model answers next Monday.

E) Do this online exercise 


A) Watch the videos and study the prepositions.

This is a good song to memorize some useful prepositions. I suggest you learn it. 

B) Revise the vocabulary on Quizlet

C) Study / revise the prepositions from these notes

Learn French #6: Les prépositions de lieu - French in Normandy

D/ Do the handout sent by email you can do it on the document itself. 

E/ Do this online exercise
       DO this online  listening exercise  

Study well the vocabulary so you prepare for next week's reading and writing task 

 We will soon have a speaking task too on the topic of the house and furniture. 

Paques en France

Here are a few videos about Easter traditions in France :) 

Joyeuses Paques :) 

Episodes a regarder sur YouTube

Episodes a regarder sur Youtube


Le petit Nicolas







A bit of French culture :) 

Watch the video below the see the French tradition about April's fool (POISSON D'AVRIL)

You can listen to the instruction to do your 'poisson d'avril' . Watch the instruction (an excuse to listen to some French) and then do your own version as you like and write on it POISSON D'AVRIL and your name and send me a picture  by SUNDAY :)