La nature

Welcome to the last topic for this year : La nature.
This topic includes : animals, landscapes, activities that can be done outdoor and the weather. Some topics are new to you some are for revision.  IT IS IMPORTANT to watch the videos listen and repeat! This is how your pronunciation can improve with time and even your listening skills so listen and repeat, listen and repeat over and again :)

1/ Les animaux

a. Regardez les videos

Watch the videos and repeat the words. This is the best way to learn pronunciation so do not skip this step!

b.  Etudiez le vocabulaire

Go on quizlet - again look at the flashcards, listen and repeat. Study the words from Quizlet and the posters. 

Tag: Animals | A Cup of French
Doreen Farrugia, Author at Teleskola
Farm animals in French
Les animaux | A Cup of French

Forest animals in French

Desert animals in French

2/ La nature / les paysages

a. Regardez la video. 

Listen and repeat the words.

b. Etudiez le vocabulaire

Use these posters and QUIZLET to study. 

dans la nature

Ce qu'il y a autour de moi - Gazette LSF | 암기, 언어

les paysages en français | Vocabulaire, French expressions, France

3. Les activites de vacances 

a. Etudiez le vocabulaire sur Quizlet. 

     - La Mer 

          - la montagne

4. La meteo

1. Regardez les videos

2. Etudiez le vocabulaire

Quizlet - LA METEO
Image result for the weather in french
Image result for the weather in french

les adjectifs et les pronoms possessifs

1/ L'adjectif possessif 

Adjectif Possessif - Francais

2/ Le pronom possessif

Pp2 les possessifs

les sentiments et le verbe connaitre /savoir

Please find the lesson for this week 

1/ exprimer des sentiments

a/ etudier le vocabulaire sur quizlet

b/ Devoir  - Cahier Pixel pg 54, 55, 57 

2/ Connaitre vs Savoir

La frequence et l'opinion


Voici la lecon pour cette semaine. 

1/ les adverbes de frequence

a) regardez la video

Frequency adverbs in French | A Cup of French

b)  Faites les exercices

Cahier Pixel pg 51  ex. 5, 6

2/ Donnez son opinion

a) Etudiez

Learn these expressions to express your opinion  and make use of them whenever you can!

 Je pense que........... I think that......
Je crois que.........      I believe that.........
A mon avis, .....        In my opinion, ........
Selon moi, ...........    According to me.........

b) Faites les exercices 

cahier pixel pg 50 - ex 1

3/ les pronoms indefinis

a) Etudiez

 These are important and useful words. Learn them as opposites. (one is positive, and is its negative) 

Quelqu'un       ==>    personne
Quelque chose ==>   rien
Quelque part   ==>   nulle part

b) Faites les exercices

Cahier Pixel ex. 1,2 pg 52

4/ Test de revision du Passe compose et de QUI/QUE